The Pattern Recognition of Automobile Type with Fuzzy Method 用模糊方法对车型进行模式识别
Based on the indirect fuzzy pattern recognition, the mathematical model for sliding supports selection is established. The best type of sliding support adapted to given work condition is obtained by establishing factor set, evaluating index set and fuzzy relation matrix. 利用模糊模式识别的间接方法,通过建立滑动支承类型选择的模糊数学摸型,确定了因素集、评价指标集和模糊关系矩阵,求得了适合已知工况的最佳支承类型。
Pattern recognition of site type 场地类型的图象识别
The paper is based on the basic theory of pattern recognition, and doing deeply research and discussion about the automatic recognition of automobile type. 本论文以模式识别的基本理论为依据,对车型自动识别系统做了较为深入的研究和探讨。
The idea of graph theory is introduced into pattern recognition to solve a type of recognition problems. 本文把图论的思想引入模式识别,在某种程度上解决了一类模式的识别问题。
So the research of PD detection and its pattern recognition for GIS is very important to guarantee its safe operation, find out its insulation condition and defects type in time and guide its maintenance. 因此GIS局部放电检测及其模式识别的研究,对于保证GIS的安全可靠运行、掌握GIS的绝缘状况和缺陷类型特征以及指导GIS的检修工作有着十分重要的意义。
The 120 Wheat flour images contents of bran were extracted. Finally, the use of choice principle in recent samples of fuzzy pattern recognition identifies unknown type of wheat flour image. 对120幅小麦粉图像进行麸星含量的提取。最后,利用模糊模式识别中的择近原则对未知样本的小麦粉图像进行类型识别。